The last testament of Quentin K. Cody, a captured then executed CIA agent who was caught at-and presumably operated-at {CLASSIFIED}, {CLASSIFIED} for about {CLASSIFIED}.
However, according to our preliminary research, “Quentin K. Cody” is and was a name not registered in any database of any organization in any country ever.
When he was captured, as per Atswian law, he was granted the chance to write a last testament before being executed that would be published internationally.
Quentin was executed by a singular MG-S firing 7.92x57mm glass bullets.
His testament was then published. As soon as the international community found out
about this, so
did the CIA, and a CIA cover up process soon followed. According to the CIA,
Quentin was a rogue
agent who was the sole party to blame for the Port Weißberg Nuclear Incident in
It would
almost be better if this “Quentin” never existed, as now the CIA has
created a scapegoat
for Weißberg and successfully covered up one of their many crimes.
It is doubtable that this “Quentin” ever existed or even had a role in Weißberg, and it is probable that “Quentin” was a now neutralized Anomalous Entity seeking to wreak havoc upon Humanity for reasons unknown.
“Quentin” had knowledge of us. The knife in his testament is AE-008, which was retrieved from his person when he was captured.
He wrote his last testament in the third person, and we remain intrigued about why “Quentin” wrote it in this matter.
His Last Testament :
“It was a quiet night. A full moon gleamed upon a lonely cobblestone walkway.
The CIA agent Quentin K. Cody began to walk upon this lonely walkway, as he usually did at this hour. He had jet black hair and dark brown eyes. He always kept his CIA-issued cyanide pill in his mouth, as a reminder that he could always end his meaningless life. Quentin thought to himself, he might just be another cog in the machine, but at least he can escape from it. All it took was one bite.
Quentin shrugged, and moved on.
However, the thoughts came back.
Weißberg July 28th, 1964.
Weißberg July 28th, 1964.
He clenched his swiss army knife which was special to him, because it resembled one of the only things that made him continue life-upholding tradition. It was given to him by his father, when he was a little child. His father also gave him an Edelweiß, a bright flower, along with the knife, however, the flower is now dead, much like his will to live.
The thoughts came back again.
Quentin, we both know you were not just “following orders”.
You nearly caused World War III.
“I know”.
The swiss army knife was the only thing that reminded Quentin of his childhood. It can be said that the swiss army knife was the only thing that made Quentin feel emotion.
Quentin shrugged again, and moved on.
Quentin walked for hours, until eventually, a man in a suit with a bright flower on it came running at him, and leaped at his swiss army knife, in an attempt to steal it. The man got the knife, and started running away.
Quentin’s desperation then lit up from him like a collapsing star. Quentin would not allow the only thing that made him remember die. He would not lose his swiss army knife. He would not lose memory of his father. And so, Quentin quickly unholstered his HCannon, switched off the safety, and nailed the stranger with a ball of lead.
Quentin then moved to the body, retrieved his most prized possession, then took one last look at the lifeless heap of meat that used to be a living, breathing human being.
Quentin then shrugged, and moved on.”